INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 (QQQ) forecast for 2026
The forecast has been updated: September 19, 2023 7:48
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 price online today
How much will the INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 cost in 2026? INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Monthly Forecast for January, February, March, April, May, July, July, August, September, October, November and December 2026.
We predict the dynamics of the stock market value using resonant artificial intelligence systems.
Technical, fundamental analyzes, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account.
Forecasts are adjusted once a day taking into account the price change of the previous day.
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Forecast for 2026
Month | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
Jan | 399.96 | 393.56 | 409.40 | 3.87 % |
Feb | 400.92 | 388.41 | 410.86 | 5.46 % |
Mar | 397.07 | 387.22 | 405.01 | 4.39 % |
Apr | 391.83 | 383.05 | 399.98 | 4.23 % |
May | 390.57 | 381.67 | 401.98 | 5.05 % |
Jun | 384.95 | 373.25 | 392.65 | 4.94 % |
Jul | 381.41 | 373.63 | 393.61 | 5.08 % |
Aug | 379.58 | 370.01 | 389.75 | 5.06 % |
Sep | 372.14 | 367.52 | 383.90 | 4.27 % |
Oct | 386.58 | 379.77 | 398.17 | 4.62 % |
Nov | 401.27 | 389.39 | 404.96 | 3.84 % |
Dec | 396.77 | 391.06 | 407.57 | 4.05 % |
The table above shows the forecasted values of the INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1. "Rate Forecast" is the optimal average forecast price. The "MIN Rate" column displays a pessimistic forecast for this month. “MAX Rate” is an optimistic forecast. The "% Volatility" column represents the approximate monthly volatility of the INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1.
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Forecast for this year
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Jan 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 393.56
Optimistic: 409.40
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Feb 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 388.41
Optimistic: 410.86
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Mar 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 387.22
Optimistic: 405.01
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Apr 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 383.05
Optimistic: 399.98
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for May 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 381.67
Optimistic: 401.98
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Jun 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 373.25
Optimistic: 392.65
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Jul 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 373.63
Optimistic: 393.61
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Aug 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 370.01
Optimistic: 389.75
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Sep 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 367.52
Optimistic: 383.90
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Oct 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 379.77
Optimistic: 398.17
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Nov 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 389.39
Optimistic: 404.96
INVESCO QQQ TRUST UNIT SER 1 Index forecast for Dec 2026.
Pessimistic forecast: 391.06
Optimistic: 407.57
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