Binance Coin (BNB/USD) Forecast for 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025.
The forecast has been updated: March 23, 2021 6:42
Binance Coin / Dollar price online today
Should you invest in the BNB / USD? What will be the Binance Coin / US Dollar quotes in 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026? How much will the Binance Coin be worth against the Dollar next year?
We forecast cryptocurrencies and the cryptocurrency market using resonant artificial intelligence systems. The system studies the market and changes forecasts in response to market changes.
Technical, fundamental analysis, news background, general geopolitical situation in the world and other factors are taken into account.
Below you can see the results of the forecasts for the month, current and future years. Find out the target values of the quotes of the BNB / USD, optimistic and pessimistic forecasts.
Forecasts are adjusted once a day taking into account the price change of the previous day.
Binance Coin / Dollar monthly Forecast
Date | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
25 Sep 22 | 279.32 | 269.55 | 289.24 | 7.31 % |
26 Sep 22 | 281.42 | 271.29 | 284.52 | 4.88 % |
27 Sep 22 | 279.45 | 275.12 | 282.94 | 2.84 % |
28 Sep 22 | 266.18 | 256.86 | 275.23 | 7.15 % |
29 Sep 22 | 263.91 | 260.22 | 269.72 | 3.65 % |
30 Sep 22 | 273.02 | 266.60 | 278.34 | 4.40 % |
01 Oct 22 | 274.66 | 270.12 | 277.95 | 2.90 % |
02 Oct 22 | 276.72 | 272.84 | 280.87 | 2.94 % |
03 Oct 22 | 286.68 | 282.38 | 293.13 | 3.81 % |
04 Oct 22 | 276.50 | 273.74 | 281.06 | 2.68 % |
05 Oct 22 | 281.20 | 270.66 | 290.62 | 7.38 % |
06 Oct 22 | 286.83 | 278.79 | 292.42 | 4.89 % |
07 Oct 22 | 293.28 | 281.55 | 297.39 | 5.62 % |
08 Oct 22 | 306.18 | 301.90 | 312.15 | 3.40 % |
09 Oct 22 | 312.31 | 306.53 | 324.80 | 5.96 % |
10 Oct 22 | 327.77 | 316.46 | 334.98 | 5.85 % |
11 Oct 22 | 326.62 | 318.94 | 333.97 | 4.71 % |
12 Oct 22 | 329.23 | 324.46 | 341.91 | 5.38 % |
13 Oct 22 | 331.21 | 318.62 | 343.46 | 7.80 % |
14 Oct 22 | 333.86 | 321.00 | 339.03 | 5.62 % |
15 Oct 22 | 325.84 | 317.86 | 337.74 | 6.25 % |
16 Oct 22 | 325.52 | 320.31 | 331.05 | 3.35 % |
17 Oct 22 | 339.84 | 327.10 | 345.11 | 5.51 % |
18 Oct 22 | 343.24 | 335.17 | 355.25 | 5.99 % |
19 Oct 22 | 336.20 | 329.82 | 347.30 | 5.30 % |
20 Oct 22 | 335.53 | 327.98 | 347.11 | 5.83 % |
21 Oct 22 | 331.17 | 326.86 | 340.28 | 4.10 % |
22 Oct 22 | 326.04 | 318.86 | 332.39 | 4.24 % |
23 Oct 22 | 319.19 | 314.56 | 329.24 | 4.67 % |
24 Oct 22 | 319.19 | 312.81 | 324.46 | 3.72 % |
BNBUSD daily forecast for this month
Forecast of the BNB / USD currency pair for 25.09.2022.
25 Sep. the Binance Coin is expected to strengthen against the Dollar with a daily volatility of 6.808%.
Estimated Optimal Target Price: 279.32.
Optimistic forecast: The Binance Coin will strengthen against the Dollar to 289.24 points.
Pessimistic forecast: 269.55
Forecast of the BNB / USD currency pair for 26.09.2022.
26 Sep. the Binance Coin is expected to strengthen against the Dollar with a daily volatility of 4.649%.
Estimated Optimal Target Price: 281.42.
Optimistic forecast: The Binance Coin will strengthen against the Dollar to 284.52 points.
Pessimistic forecast: 271.29
Forecast of the BNB / USD currency pair for 27.09.2022.
27 Sep. the Binance Coin is expected to weaken against the Dollar with a daily volatility of 2.765%.
Estimated Optimal Target Price: 279.45.
Optimistic forecast: The Binance Coin will weaken against the Dollar to 282.94 points.
Pessimistic forecast: 275.12
Forecast of the BNB / USD currency pair for 28.09.2022.
28 Sep. the Binance Coin is expected to weaken against the Dollar with a daily volatility of 6.673%.
Estimated Optimal Target Price: 266.18.
Optimistic forecast: The Binance Coin will weaken against the Dollar to 275.23 points.
Pessimistic forecast: 256.86
Forecast of the BNB / USD currency pair for 29.09.2022.
29 Sep. the Binance Coin is expected to weaken against the Dollar with a daily volatility of 3.523%.
Estimated Optimal Target Price: 263.91.
Optimistic forecast: The Binance Coin will weaken against the Dollar to 269.72 points.
Pessimistic forecast: 260.22
BNBUSD Forecast for 2022
Month | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
Oct | 267.17 | 249.24 | 274.22 | 9.11 % |
Nov | 270.40 | 262.07 | 284.38 | 7.84 % |
Dec | 278.73 | 263.40 | 291.30 | 9.58 % |
BNBUSD forecast for this year
Bitcoin Price Target Forecast for Oct 2022: 267.165
The dynamics are negative.
Bitcoin Price Target Forecast for Nov 2022: 270.398
The dynamics are positive.
Bitcoin Price Target Forecast for Dec 2022: 278.726
The dynamics are positive.
Binance Coin to Dollar Forecast for 2023
Month | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
Jan | 258.18 | 244.55 | 280.05 | 12.68 % |
Feb | 268.41 | 257.48 | 281.99 | 8.69 % |
Mar | 281.40 | 269.95 | 289.14 | 6.64 % |
Apr | 285.11 | 264.10 | 309.89 | 14.78 % |
May | 276.33 | 256.57 | 286.97 | 10.59 % |
Jun | 264.17 | 253.71 | 286.84 | 11.55 % |
Jul | 256.91 | 242.78 | 272.73 | 10.98 % |
Aug | 237.69 | 226.45 | 244.75 | 7.48 % |
Sep | 249.20 | 230.01 | 260.71 | 11.78 % |
Oct | 270.58 | 258.67 | 284.86 | 9.19 % |
Nov | 289.92 | 267.60 | 296.30 | 9.69 % |
Dec | 288.97 | 273.07 | 305.50 | 10.61 % |
Binance Coin to Dollar Forecast for 2024
Month | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
Jan | 278.80 | 265.00 | 288.00 | 7.99 % |
Feb | 291.98 | 266.93 | 299.69 | 10.93 % |
Mar | 300.98 | 274.49 | 312.23 | 12.09 % |
Apr | 329.78 | 321.07 | 354.81 | 9.51 % |
May | 343.20 | 317.15 | 351.51 | 9.77 % |
Jun | 319.04 | 300.09 | 335.89 | 10.66 % |
Jul | 302.55 | 287.90 | 329.17 | 12.54 % |
Aug | 285.57 | 273.32 | 293.74 | 6.95 % |
Sep | 281.80 | 257.93 | 298.23 | 13.51 % |
Oct | 308.77 | 295.19 | 330.51 | 10.69 % |
Nov | 333.91 | 308.93 | 348.23 | 11.29 % |
Dec | 366.23 | 347.29 | 375.49 | 7.51 % |
Binance Coin to Dollar Forecast for 2025
Month | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
Jan | 328.76 | 317.55 | 342.14 | 7.19 % |
Feb | 307.43 | 292.55 | 316.89 | 7.68 % |
Mar | 310.47 | 291.00 | 320.03 | 9.07 % |
Apr | 286.90 | 267.02 | 303.32 | 11.97 % |
May | 279.01 | 271.96 | 296.20 | 8.19 % |
Jun | 281.16 | 263.23 | 290.44 | 9.37 % |
Jul | 267.86 | 252.54 | 279.06 | 9.50 % |
Aug | 260.79 | 243.58 | 282.59 | 13.81 % |
Sep | 252.76 | 232.46 | 268.89 | 13.55 % |
Oct | 249.15 | 230.51 | 256.27 | 10.05 % |
Nov | 252.71 | 242.15 | 264.94 | 8.60 % |
Dec | 252.43 | 237.16 | 266.87 | 11.13 % |
Binance Coin to Dollar Forecast for 2026
Month | Rate Forecast | MIN Rate | MAX Rate | Volati- lity, % |
Jan | 227.16 | 207.17 | 241.41 | 14.18 % |
Feb | 236.16 | 230.44 | 252.52 | 8.74 % |
Mar | 228.36 | 215.05 | 243.69 | 11.75 % |
Apr | 238.66 | 227.11 | 252.05 | 9.90 % |
May | 257.57 | 237.73 | 278.82 | 14.73 % |
Jun | 275.42 | 258.45 | 286.02 | 9.64 % |
Jul | 289.65 | 274.68 | 304.95 | 9.93 % |
Aug | 284.88 | 269.21 | 304.30 | 11.53 % |
Sep | 314.64 | 299.76 | 338.53 | 11.45 % |
Oct | 326.76 | 312.74 | 353.00 | 11.40 % |
Nov | 359.47 | 349.19 | 368.56 | 5.26 % |
Dec | 348.79 | 340.35 | 376.03 | 9.49 % |
Other cryptocurrenciess
Name | Symbol | Last Close Price | Change |
BTCUSD | 19346 (23.09.2022) | 4.65 % |
ETHUSD | 1329.55 (23.09.2022) | 6.68 % |
XRPUSD | 0.4841 (23.09.2022) | 20.09 % |
BCHUSD | 116 (23.09.2022) | 6.32 % |
LTCUSD | 53.28 (23.09.2022) | 4.23 % |
XLMUSD | 0.1227 (23.09.2022) | 10.24 % |
ADAUSD | 0.4571 (23.09.2022) | 4.03 % |
BNBUSD | 274.1 (23.09.2022) | 3.43 % |
XMRUSD | 144.7 (23.09.2022) | 7.74 % |
EOSUSD | 1.237 (23.09.2022) | 3.95 % |
DOTUSD | 6.46 (23.09.2022) | 4.87 % |
LINKUSD | 17.5219 (22.01.2021) | -4.83 % |
DOGEUSD | 0.05975 (23.09.2022) | 4.71 % |
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